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Pokerová matematika snadno a rychle - 1.díl (pokračování)

 Závěrem našeho vyčerpávajícího výkladu o hand odds už jen varování. Dejte si pozor, ať si omylen nezapočitáte více outů než skutečně máte. Typicky v případu kdy držíte například 9s 8s a na flop přijde Ts Jc 2s Za této situace můžete utvořit jak flush, tak postupku, která je navíc na obou koncích otevřená. Máte tedy 9 outů na vytvoření flushe a 8 outů na vytvoření postupky. Přesto fakticky nemáte 17 outů, protože do karet na postupku jsou započítány i outy, které vám pomohou k flushi, tedy 7s a Qs. Proto je skutečný počet vašich outů 15!

Na obrázcích níže naleznete v tabulce přehled nejčastějších pokerových situací společně s pravděpodobností a odds, které máte. Podobnou tabulku by měl každý opravdový pokerový hráč nosit s sebou v hlavě!

Pravděpodobnost uvedenou u dvou karet použijete tehdy, pokud berete v úvahu jak turn, tak river. Pokud chcete znát své odds pouze pro jednu kartu, tedy jste na turnu a chcete znát vaše šance na river, pak použijete číslo uvedené u jedné karty.

Vysvětlení některých pojmů z tabulky (naleznete je též v našem slovníku):

Set: 3 stejné karty
Overcard: karta, která je vyšší než karty na flopu (tedy na flop přijde T65 a vy držíte AK - máte tedy dvě overcards)
Inside straight (gut-shot straight draw): chybí vám jedna karta do postupky, přičemž se jedná o kartu uvnitř takové řady (tedy držíte T9, na flop přijde 7J2 a vám chybí jediná karta - 8)
Open straight (open ended straight draw): chyní vám jedna karta do postupky, přičemž je jedno, na který "konec" vaší postupky přijde (tedy držíte 78, na flop přijde 692 a pro postupku vám tedy stačí jakákoliv T nebo jakákoliv 5)

Závěrem snad jen upozornění, že výše uvedený početní postup vám spočítá odds, které jsou pouze přibližné. Reálná pravděpodobnost se od té vypočítané v pár procentech liší. Pro přesný výpočet použijte některý z bezpočtu webových kalkulátorů odds například tady nebo zde.

Pot odds
Už jsme zjistili, jak si spočítat naše šance na sestavení námi zamýšlené karetní kombinace tzv. hand odds. Ty nám jsou ale svým způsobem k ničemu, pokud k nim nepřistoupí i druhá část, a to tzv. pot odds. K čemu jsou, jak se počítají a příklady z praxe vám přineseme ve druhém dílu seriálu, který vyjde ve středu!



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(SilliamGlymn, 6. 7. 2023 22:38)

Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://novaposhta.ua/recommendations riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://terrikon.com/uk/posts/443156 compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://kp.ua/ua/life/a669521-fakt-jak-dohljadati-za-motosholomom-shchob-vin-sluzhiv-jakomoha-dovshe-i-ne-vtrachav-svojikh-vlastivostej-motozilla factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://www.dynamomania.com/news/686795-kak-vybrat-velosiped-dlya-ezdy-po-gorodu-sovety-ot-motozilla environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://agronews.ua/news/motoblok-universalna-tehnika-dlya-silskogospodarskyh-robit/ offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://versii.com/news/benzopily-ih-vidy-i-harakteristiki-pravila-vybora-i-tehnicheskoe-obsluzhivanie/ all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://terrikon.com/uk/posts/443156 help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.


(AilliamGlymn, 6. 7. 2023 21:39)

Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://terrikon.com/uk/posts/443156 riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://lb.ua/tech/2022/09/23/530346_sim_nayochikuvanishih_novinok.html compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://detector.media/withoutsection/article/208101/2023-02-17-top-6-reytyng-naykrashchykh-skuteriv-i-mototsykliv-dlya-mista-reytyng-motozilla/ factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://www.depo.ua/ukr/sport/naypopulyarnishi-mototsikli-2022-roku-pidsumki-i-reyting-motozilla-202301231445592 environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://ictv.ua/ua/goodnews/shho-motozilla-obov-yazkovo-radyt-oglyadaty-pered-kupivleyu-b-u-mototsykla-abo-skutera/ offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/2013769-kupuyemo-velosiped-poradi-novachkam-vid-kompaniyi-motozilla?utm_referrer=smi.pp.ua all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://ru.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/792618.html help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.


(DavidPaurf, 5. 7. 2023 13:17)

Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://www.autoconsulting.ua/article.php?sid=53131, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://infoindustria.com.ua/kompaktni-ta-potuzhni-motobloki-za-versi%d1%94yu-motozilla/ When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/792616.html a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://gazeta.ua/articles/avto/_ak-yizditi-na-skuteri-po-kiyevu-vzimku-poradi-vid-motozilla/1059762 , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.


(SamuelTip, 5. 7. 2023 11:53)

Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://www.dialog.ua/press-release/272118_1682004109, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://gorod.dp.ua/news/216345 When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://versii.com/news/benzopily-ih-vidy-i-harakteristiki-pravila-vybora-i-tehnicheskoe-obsluzhivanie/ a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://www.dialog.ua/press-release/272118_1682004109 , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.


(Jeffreyatowl, 22. 6. 2023 12:23)



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